Thursday 17 May 2018

End of module evaluation

At the start of this module I had a good idea on how I was going to approach a wide range of different image making methods in order to build up and strengthen my drawing, painting and printing abilities. My initial goal was to create my own self directed briefs that would test the limits of my skills and also to help me build and develop a strong portfolio of work that clearly speaks for the themes and subjects I am trying to communicate.  I think I have achieved that goal as extended practice has been a very diverse module which has overall been very beneficial for the development of my work and Ideas and has been part of creating some of my most successful pieces of artwork to date.
One of the most successful parts about this module is that it has enabled me to show much development of work across a wide range of processes. Screen printing onto clothing was a big part of one of my briefs 'Weirdo' that helped me to refine an idea into starting a potential clothing brand. After the 505 module last year I have been wanting to create my own range or hand printed garments and 603 has really allowed me to develop and explore this. By working with a graffiti artist I have taken a much different approach to my usual style of image making but this worked very well with the name of the brand. Printing onto clothes has been a very enjoyable experience and it has helped me to gain more popularity through the constant use of my Instagram page. I will surly be focusing on this when I graduate and start making the transition from a student to a professional.

My painting skills have also developed at a fast rate over the course of this module due to the commissions I have been given and the different self motivated painted briefs that I tackled. This is very important to me as painting is the core of my current practice so I must be consistently painting in my psychedelic style in order to refine my abilities. The painted house brief was a very good place for me to bring together what I have recently been developing and to see it in a professional context. That brief enabled me to scale up my work and bring in new forms of media such as spray paint to gain new techniques and methods that will be utilised further in the future.

Painting on people and different surfaces was also a big step for my creative practice to evolve. This was the most interesting of the self directed briefs as it allowed me to see how my work can effectively be applied to a range of objects. The body art section of this project was especially interesting and engaging, meeting new people and having an interaction along side the painting made it a series of memorable experiences which I will continue to explore. I have also been looking into festivals as this could be a promising setting for my psychedelic body painting. Overall, The painting section of this module has taught me a great deal about my skills, how to apply them, where they sit in the real world and what steps I need to be taking to get a professional career from my practice.

While I have gained  many new skills and have a lot of positive things to say about this module as a whole, I do have some ways in which I could of gotten the most out of my time and in doing things slightly different I could of achieved more informed artwork.
I feel that I could of seen much more of a sketchbook throughout this module which would of helped me in many ways to rough out ideas and develop them slowly instead of keeping most of my ideas in my head. Another way I could of improved this module is by doing more contextual research into various subjects and artists that could of potentially helped to inform my outcomes. Finally I haven't been completely organised with the structuring of my briefs and this has had an impact on the overall quality. Time management is something that I usually struggle with especially when it comes to writing or having to formally present my work. This is something that I am continuing to work on and will hopefully gain better time management and organisation skills when I enter the professional world.
Overall taking all things into consideration I am still very pleased with the work I have made in this module and I now how new ideas about how to improve my creative abilities being both working on my strengths and weaknesses to become a higher level artist and image maker.

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