Thursday 17 May 2018

Secret 7 brief - Jimi Hendrix

After undergoing my own self directed briefs and exploring and developing ways in which my practice can be applied, I thought now was a good time to get involved in a competition brief. 
I chose to do Jimi Hendrix for the cover design as I love his music and as I will be doing a portrait image I wanted someone who has an interesting face.
I will be aiming to make a psychedelic version of Hendrix which is perfect as his music played a big role in the psychedelic revolution in the 60's and 70's.

With most of the briefs I have explored for this module I haven't needed to spend any time sketching ideas down and they have consisted mainly of final pieces and exploration through the process of painting rather that speculating ideas through roughing. I feel that with much of my recent practice I havent needed to spend much time fleshing out ideas and compositions. I have been much more immediate with how I have worked but for this competition brief I thought it was necessary to go back to the sketches so I could figure out some different ways in which I could design this cover. I haven't spent too long on the sketching part because at my current level I dont think it is too necessary but getting some ideas down deffinatley proved useful so I can explore a range of compositions.

This is the portrait of Hendrix that I have decided to use for the psychedelic album cover. This is because it is a good clear photo of his face which is vital 

After fleshing out a range of ideas I decided to refine the most simple of the sketches. I initially intended on having a very complex psychedelic background design with different colours, patterns and shapes but I decided to keep it a little bit more simple because having a very complex background might have been too much and uneasy on the eyes. I also wanted there to be more focus on Jimi Hendrix so just having my usual space background makes him much more visible. I wanted to create this cover that also echos my own art style as much as possible so using the media of paint pens I have kept authentic to my style. I decided to use only three colours in Hendrix face because in the past I have discovered that putting too many colours in portraits can make the overall aesthetic to busy so having a reduced palette has been much more sucessful.
Overall I think this does work quite well as a hendrix portrait but maybe not so much as an album cover and it is definately not the best piece I have done and I have stayed within my usual boundaries which has made it slightly limiting. If I was to go back and change anything I would have made this design a screenprint rather than a painting as a colour blended texture would have made a much more professional outcome.

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