Wednesday 19 October 2016

Study task 1- Editorial illustration

Ive searched for some space related editorial illustrations to form a better understanding of how some modern illustrators would create a space themed design. I found Abduzeedo who creates these really simple yet creative illustrations using just black and white and simple compositions. 

I love this example of editorial illustration called 'Space Tourism' by Eva Bee. Although this brief only allows two colours I really like the way in which Eva Bee has created this image. It has both digital and hand drawn qualities. Although I don't plan on using digital for this project, it would be a good media to consider because a lot of editorial illustrations do have a very digital and neat quality. I also like this image for the communication and the story it tells. Its almost a joke on the fact that humans will explore the universe but still have our need for the material objects. 
This Illustration by Ana Yael really caught my eye with its dramatic composition that really plays with scale and depth. The character seems really small in the image and this sense of scale may be something I would like to explore in my editorials.

I also have acknowledged that editorial illustration is about communication, whether that be a person, a place a feeling or an idea. So I need to try and make my editorial illustration communicate my author Carl Sagan.

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