Wednesday 19 October 2016

Studio brief 1 Zine final

This is the front and back cover for my Carl Sagan themed zine.
I wanted to keep the whole layout and format of the zine quite simple and symmetrical. So for the front and back cover of the zine is just a cropped image of the space texture that I have created.
This is the first double page of the zine. It is a full bleed of the space texture and it follows on from the front cover. I have chosen to do this space/cosmic texture in this zine because over summer i was experimenting alot with creating different space textures and it also works very well with Carl Sagan and his work.
I have tried to keep the zine symmetrical throughout all pages. So for this image I have focused on one moon/plannet. I have chose to do something different with this double page and use the negative colours to create a contrast. I figured the best way for me to create one image across the double page would to have the negative colours opposite creating this symmetrical form.
Carl Sagan talks alot about space travel and the potential to travel lightyears to distant galaxies in pursuit of finding alien life or another habitable planet. So I took this idea and added my own twist and designed a spaceship that could potentially take humans out of the Milkyway and into the unknown. 
As Carl Sagan talks alot about the potential of extraterrestrial life. He said that it is a certainty that alien life does exist, I thought it would only be appropriate that I included this into my zine. Again I had the black and white double to work with so my aim was to keep the symmetry. This classic design of an alien is always visualised through the world and there may be a reason for this. Many people believe in an alien race called the greys and they are believed to look very similar to the alien I have drawn in the zine.

The grey aliens are also believed to have visited earth on numerous occasions. Although I haven't found anything from Carl Sagan believing in this I'm sure he would not dismiss the idea of alien life to have visited our planet.
To keep the same theme of space and the symmetrical aesthetics, I have chosen to have the last double page the same as the first. A full bleed of the cosmic space texture.
This is the crit feedback sheet. From reading through it seems that I have been given some good feedback, most people think it has been created in a very neat and tidy way.  People have also suggested that I could have digitally enhanced my images using photoshop, especially with the space texture. I will consider this when continuing to create more illustrations surround the author Carl Sagan.

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