Wednesday 19 October 2016

Studio Brief 1 Idea generation

These are the first initial sketches and roughs for the Carl Sagan editorials. Here I am just gathering some ideas of what Sagan talks about Ranging from planets, universe, space travel and geometry which he says is the printed building block of our existence. Also as we are limited to two colours plus stock, this influences my designs and how I think about creating each illustration. 
These are also some roughs and thumbnail designs. I find that the more roughs I produce, the easier it is for me to finalised an image because I have much more to choose from and I like to combine different ideas and compositions to create the final image. Working with a range of formats also helps me to think in slightly different ways because it pushes me to think more about the composition of the image rather than just relying on other skills to create the image.

From researching Sagan I have discovered certain objects that I wouldn't have thought of including into my sketches such as the pioneer plaque and the geometry of the universe.

From the production process of the zine project, I realised that working on negative colours (white pen and black paper) is something that I would like to carry on into this editorial project. The fact that we only have a two colour limit also makes me want to do it more. I also think that the white on black has a certain minimal quality that works well with space created themes. Plus I have never really worked using negatives so I want to explore this type of aesthetic in more depth.

These initial roughs have been slightly refined to help me visualise the final image. I have focused on including some colour texture into the background to try and create a cosmic effect. I have also tried to simplify some designs down and focus more of the concept rather than detail like the image on the bottom right. Editorial illustration is about communication and sometimes the easiest way to communicate is through a simple idea or design.

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