Tuesday 3 November 2015

Photoshop Task

For this task we were to scan in one of our drawings and manipulate it on photoshop. This proved to be quite difficult to me as I have not really done much digital work in the past. At first I didnt really know how to use the tools but with some help from my peers i was able to pick it up pretty quick and was soon trialing and testing different tools. In the past I have always been quite naive in terms of doing work digitally but after this task which I really enjoyed, I learned that photoshop and digital softwares can really enhance my drawings and I am eager to further develop my digital skills.

This is a screenshot of the drawing I scanned in and decided to manipulate. At this point I had adjusted the levels and had altered the contrast in order to bring out the dark bold lines so the image had more depth. I have also added colour to one zombie and included some white highlighted areas, I understand that this is a basic way of using colour digitally but as it is my first time there is only so much I can do.
This is my second screenshot of the image with the second zombie completed with colour.

This is a screenshot of my first completed photoshop image. After doing this I now realise that working digitally can open many doors in terms of the possibilities that can be achieved. I am deffinately going to elxpore more digital work in my up coming briefs. The way i achieved this effect of a pastel colour that sits underneath the black outlines was because of multiplying each layer, and each zombie had it own seperate layer. There is much for me to learn and I feel like in the modern world, most if not all Illustrators have to be able to produce digital work so I will contine to develop my skills.

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