Monday 16 November 2015

End of module self evaluation

End of module self-evaluation
Firstly I believe that my practical drawing skills have increased in quality over the course of this module, this is due to the way in which I have been using my sketchbooks with sketches and roughs. These methods of working quickly has really elevated my final outcomes. Also this module has really helped me think about my drawings in more depth in terms of how my work can translate a message or meaning in an effective way. Each brief within this module has encouraged me to think outside the box and this has impacted my own practice which has made me think more about the meaning of an illustration and not just its aesthetics.
One of the most helpful and fundamental theories of image making that I have learned during this module (especially in the second brief) is the power of minimalism. Stripping an image down and excluding all of the unnecessary features can create a simple but functional illustration and can also translate a powerful message that many people across different cultures can understand. I aim to try and create some of my own work around this idea of simple and effective.
Over this module it is clear that my strengths are working with traditional media such as pen and pencil. They are my preferred choice of producing illustration and I have used this method throughout the module as I know it is my strongest attribute. The areas I have identified for further development is that I need to start to widen my colour pallet, at the moment all of my pieces have been monochrome. Although I do really enjoy working in this way I have to also consider other possibilities of mark-making. I also feel that for future projects I need to be able to produce more digital work, at least learn digital skills so I can digitally manipulate a drawing to enhance the line quality or add colour. After seeing how some classmate’s work I have realised that I do need to step outside the box with my use of media, this will really help me on my path of becoming a more professional illustrator.

This module has really given me a good introduction to the course and how I will be producing work over the next three years. I know I will also develop a much deeper understanding of illustration and how it can have an impact on people across the world whilst preparing myself for the competitive industry. The briefs that were set over this module have already put me into a better way of thinking and producing illustration so this can only continue to happen and will be shown throughout my work.

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