Wednesday 4 November 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Day in the Life - Final and Evaluation

Final design - dimensions (105mm x 200mm). The article talks about how we need to get back in tough with nature and that certain people are doing all they can to make this happen. I have tried to illustrate this concept by showing a hand touching a tree.

Final design - dimensions (200mm x 200mm). Out of all the images I produced I thnk this one has the strongest concept. The idea behind the image is that the bond between nature and humans has been almost completely severed and we have the power to reconnect this bond if we act immediately. The image clearly represents this idea as the rope that the human is holding that connects to the tree is on its last fiber.

Final design - dimensions (290mm x 105mm). Of the three images that i produced for the article i would say that this one is the least successful. The image is trying to show that we are rebuilding a bridge back to nature but I think it has been poorley executed. The drawing was rushed and this was due to time management, in the future I will not let this happen.
Final designs produced as a set. I have created the images all in a similar style so that they would work together when produced as a set.


Overall I think that the final outcome was somewhat successful. I was pleased with two of my designs for the article and not so happy with my third. If there is one thing I have learned from this brief, it is that these types of images must be functional, meaning that they have a purpose behind it and they comunicate a direct idea. In the past I havent usually worked around these kind of ideas so at first it was quite difficult to represent the article with a functional image. Also i tried to keep the designs very minimalistic, meaning that I didnt try to over complicate the drawings and add unnecessary amounts of detail. Sometimes, comunication through image is most effective when kept simple. This was difficult for me because at times as I tend to spend alot of time working on the details of a drawing. One thing that really did help me get the ideas for the concept was the use of 'roughs'. Using roughs really helped me visualise the image and this gave me the ability to then further develop the idea. Roughs are an essential part of a designers progress so I will be using them much more in the future. If I could change anyhting about the final outcomes it would be that I use a bold grey tone to add more depth to the images without over complicating them.

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