Tuesday 3 November 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Day in the Life

For this brief we was each given a specific article that we had to illustrate three times, each on different formats and dimensions (200mm x 200mm - 105mm x 200mm (portrait) and 290mm x 105mm (landscape)). The article I was given was about reintroducing the connection with nature and wildlife within the UK. The aim of this brief is not to produce a higly detailed image but is about creating a minimal and functional piece of illustration that can send a clear message to the viewer that directly responds to the article. This brief has proven to be quite difficult as this contempory way of illustration is not how I would usually work, so I was outside my comfort zone.

Roughs are quick sketches of the idea that represents the article. For this breif I feel that the roughs have really helped develop my ideas because with roughs you can visualise the drawing. This can be very helpful because once the initial idea is down on paper, I can then decide if I dont like the idea or if i can continue to develop it by making alterations to certain aspects such as the composition.

A difficult part of this brief is that each image must be presented in a different format and not every design was suited to fit the frame. This means I was made to produce more and more roughs for each format to try and figure out which design communicated the concept of the article in a minimalistic and functional way.
Once the initial roughs and sketches have been visualised, I then scaled them up and produced them on the correct dimensions but still as simple rough drawings. I did this to see if my designs would work on a larger scale and if i would have to further develop them once they have been enlarged.

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