Wednesday 28 October 2015

Line and mark making

For this study task we have to produce 20 line drawings within the chosen theme. Line is one of the monst important parts of drawing and illustration. Line can be intrinsically beautiful meaning that it has beauty within itself. This can be achived in a number of ways such as jesture and minimalism, by reducing embellishment, line can communicate an idea or image in a unique way. For this take we must explore a range of line mark making tools to create alternative atmospheres within the drawings.
For this task I am challenging myself and trying to use no pencil lines and just create my drawing with inc. I am tying to move away from the feathered way of markmaking and produce more jestural and organic lines. This will really help improve the quality of my drwing. 

I have found that drawing the same object multiple times, with different uses of media really helps me understand the shapes and form of the object. This means that the more I draw the object the more naturally my lines will become more confident and jestural.   

I have started using the Brushpen for my line drawings and this is completely new to me. I am really enjoyong the ability to be able to create at different texture and thickness of line by adding more pressure to the page. I think that if I continue to work in this way, my mark making abiities will progress at a much faster rate than if I was to just draw with pencil.

Continuous line drawing is also a very effective way of mark making. It is actually becoming one of my favourte ways to draw, especially when drawing people. With a continous line drawing you must be confident with each direction you move the pen. It is a very minimal way of drawing and can sometimes be challenging to get all of the needed features without taking the pen off the paper or over complicating the drawing.
From all of the mark making methods I explored and the clowns that I drew, this was almost a final piece for the short task we were given. I was very pleased with this drawing as it is a completely new way of mark making for me and I think it was successful. Simple lines can be very effective in a drawing and as you can see there are no areas that have include tone, so I had to consider the composition of each character before the marks were made and this can be difficult without guidlines. I think I am going to continue to draw in this style as I believe it will help me progress as an illustrator faster than doing detailed pencil drawings.

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