Friday 16 October 2015

A-Z Typology themes

For this project our aim is to design and create an A-Z poster of typology, meaning we must have an image (vignette) for each letter of the alphabet from any theme of our choice. Before we do this, we must first explore a wide range of themes in order to develop our skills and to adress a specific theme that exisits in the world and illustrate this as a relateable topic. I have personally enjoyed doing this brief because it has pushed me to be more loose with some of my sketches and not to always worry about refining a drawing. Sometimes the idea is more important than the drawing.

For this theme i decided to focus on drawing nothing but faces. The drawings i have done on these two pages consist of both drawings from observation and imagination. From the second we are born we are constantly surrounded by human faces and our brains are programmed into creating faces in many things and objects, this is known as 'brain simulation software'. For this theme i have tried to recreate this human instinct of creating faces in everything we see.

Fictional Characters

 This theme of fictional characters speaks for itself, each letter of the alphabet is an iconic fictional character including Batman, Gollum, Yoda and Darth Vader. I enjoyed drawing these characters but i chose to quickly move to the next theme because i felt like i wasnt adressing any kind of concept that exists in the world, i was just drawing characters that already exist, although some of these drawing may look appealing there is no depth to the theme.


This theme i have decided to illustrate is religion. I have brielfy touched upon some aspects that religion can influence such as God, Demons and spirituality. I quite like this theme as there is alot that can come from it as it has alot of depth and can reach out to many people across the world, but it has proved to be difficult to find something that relates to religion for each letter of the alphabet.

The Random

This theme i decided to explore is simply an A-Z of random objects and things that exist in the world. There is not much of a meaning behind this theme and every drawing is of something that is completely random, but the theme for this poster is to make people laugh and is more of a novelty than anything else, also my skills can develop over a wide range by drawing as many different objects as possible.

Human Addictions

humans by nature have very addictive personalities, whether it be drugs or something simple like sugar. Most people especially in the western world have some sort of an addiction. I have chosen to explore this idea for my poster as i think it is an interesting topic that many people can relate to. I can adress many negative aspects in regards to what humans are addicted to such as Iphones, Alcohol and fast foods, as there arnt that many positive things that humans become addicted to.

Spiritual connections

This is my favourite theme that i have decided to explore. Spirituality is such a deep and diverse concept that can be percived in many different ways but is also completely relevant to every human that walks on this planet. In this A-Z i have explored a very wide range of meaningful concepts such and life and death, astral projection (outer body experience), connected conciousness and even psychedelics. Of all the themes i have explored this is the one i will most likely be taking forward for further development for my A-Z poster of typology.

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