Wednesday 21 October 2015

Typology - Final Design + Evaluation

This is a rough of the final piece on A4 format. I have done this because without considering the layout, it would be very difficult to fit all the images onto the A2 poster format which it has to be presented on. By doing this I have a reference on the placement of each image on the page and also the scale of the image.

This is the final A2 illustrated typology poster on the theme of ''Spiritual connections'

I was pleased with my final outcome on this project. I particularly liked the concepts that I created for certain letters such as: fourth dimensional travel; astral projection; genesis creation; connected consciousness. As the theme that I chose included such abstract ideas it was a challenge for me to visualise them, however I think that I produced some interesting concepts. Although it proved difficult, the theme is something that I am personally very interested in and therefore I had the motivation to explore lots of different ideas. If I could change anything about my final outcome I would have spent more time on the title and considered the typography more; I have realised the impact that lettering can have on the overall result. I would also have used a different media. If colour was allowed to be used I would have liked to use watercolours to create a psychedelic theme throughout the piece, I would not have been able to achieve this effect with one colour and therefore decided to do it in monochrome. In future I would like to spend more time developing each individual idea further however the timescale given made it difficult.

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