Wednesday 21 October 2015

Typology - Research + Development

After exploring the different themes I had chosen to illustrate, along with a peer critique session, I decided to further develop the theme of spiritual connections. I feel that this subject is the most personal to me and what I believe as an individual. This theme also has the possibility to be interpreted in many ways as there is depth behind each design. Just being sat in the studio working around peers, some of the concepts for the letters would spark a very interesting conversation. This is what I was trying to achieve with this theme; a thought provoking experience for the audience. 
'Creation of Adam' - This is a very famous religious painting by Michaelangelo and for the letter 'G' I have created a parody of this iconic image and named it 'Genesis Creation'.
A quick sketch of the parody version of Creation of Adam. The hand that would initially be Gods has been changed to an aliens hand as if to suggest we have been created by extra-terrestrial life. I was happy with this idea because it addresses something that is widely considered throughout many cultures across the world but has been portrayed  in a more commercial way. 
This is some image reference I found on the internet for the letter 'A'. It is an image of astral projection which is an out of body experience (OBE) that anyone can achieve by reaching a certain state of consciousness which is similar to a meditative state.
This was my design for the concept of astral projection. In my previous ideas for this design I had found it difficult to get the right and angle and perspective to show that the spirit was leaving the body, therefore I was pleased with this design which I think captures that idea effectively. 

Further sketches and roughs of some designs and concepts for each letter of the alphabet. Some of these ideas including: connected consciousness; fourth dimensional travel; wisdom and energy.

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