Friday 22 January 2016

Visual Narrative - Roughs and storyboarding

I think I have now collected enough research for my project to be taken to the next stage. I have taken inspiration from various different sources to create the atmosphere, tone and story for my narrative. I have also got the set media I will be using to design my final pages for the book. The next step for me now is to start to bring my ideas together and sketch out the scenes of my story so I will be able to visualise how it will all start coming together.

 These are a few initial roughs I have done to see what format my book will be. After seeing the portrait sketches compared to the cut-out mockups that was inspired by the video 'Unorthodox' I now realise that my book will look better at a landscape format. I feel that it will make it easier to fit more characters and people into the scenes which is one of the most important part of my narrative. So the format I have decided on is landscape because it will compliment the style more and will work best to show the grittiness of the inner city. The dimensions I have chosen is 200mm wide x150mm high. Choosing the dimensions for this book needs to be done before I start roughing out the scenes so I will know exactly how to compose each final design when looking through the roughs.

More roughs for the potential scenes of the narrative and the SubDub event. After speaking to Tutors and friends in the class I have decided to not include the SubDub night into the narrative. I will however taking the concept of people being zombie-like at 5am into the story, I just won't include a club scene into the narrative as the story itself is more focused on the city and the people so a club will just divert the story and can make it slightly confusing.
Now I have the dimensions I am going to use for my book, it has made it a lot easier to sketch out scenes. I had a thought of including a some pigeons in the narrative and creating them in the same way the people will be, silhouettes with red eyes. Because pigeons are regularly found in cities and they are quiet dirty birds and have connotations that work well with a city setting,  it may be worth having them on a page or two.

I have thought to include a person/character spray painting the walls. It only makes sense as there will be graffiti on the walls in pretty much every scene in the book. I also like the idea of people just casually stood at a bus stop but are stills done in the ghoul style. I think there is something ominous about the idea of the characters just going about there every day life but at the same time are portrayed as zombies/ghouls. I also am going to end the story where the person is completely surrounded by the ghouls and throughout is almost a build up to the last scene.

I am aiming to design 12 pages of content and the front and back cover of the book. I have chosen to do 12 because I think that is enough to get viewer to understand the atmosphere and the idea of the narrative, also this will all be done using media I haven't used before and it will take a long time to complete each scene. The page above on the left is a guide for me on how the double spread pages are going to look. It is quite difficult to bring it all together and tell a sequential story that follows the narrative. Ive just been trying to sketch my out of problems.

This is a rough of a scene for the narrative. I am aiming to set the scene with the story and have the first double spread without any characters in but it automatically lets the viewer know what kind of environment the narrative is set in. There will be graffiti on the walls and the building will look derelict and abandoned. This instantly sets the mood for the rest of the book which is obviously quite dark and scary. After the research and roughs I have done and with the time I have got left to complete the project, it is now time to start crafting the final designs for the book.

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