Friday 22 January 2016

End of Module Self Evaluation

over the course of this project I think I have definitely developed a range of practical skills and new ways to tackle briefs. firstly I think that the media I used for this project was something new to me and has been inspired by shape and texture tasks from visual language. This introduction of new uses of media into my practice is just what I need to really make my own work become more unique and individual. I have now come to realise that fine-liner pens are great but they are limited in there possibilities and thats where the experimentation of new media must be explored. It was very nice to produce work using the chosen media and I will definitely consider using a similar approach into future projects, but maybe get more experimental with different textures like the character that was drawn onto the wooden table. So I do believe that the things I have learnt over the course of this project in terms of making the artwork will be filtered into my own practice in some way.

 I think the most important part of my research was the visual journalist section. Going out and collecting a range of first hand research and experience was vital for my project. Through the uses of observational drawings and gathering photographs of specific areas around the city, It made my project much easier to visualise and construct, whilst also giving me the necessary inspiration to include subtle hints to elevate areas of the book, such as the graffiti tags on the wall. I went out for a second research day to collect more images. I am now starting to understand that for a project to be truly innovative, the research and visual journalist section to a project should actually run the whole way through so I am constantly being updated with fresh ideas to increase the quality of my own practice. I also think the Artist research has played an important role during this project, because without the Joey Badass music video I probably wouldn't have illustrated the ghouls in the way I did. So I now know that to get the best kind of information to create a piece of illustration, one most go and experience something completely new.

For me, I think the strengths of this project is the fact that I was able to explore a new type of media. I was actually very pleased with some pages in my book especially the last few double spreads and the front and back cover. Drawing people is probably one of my strongest traits at the moment so I capitalised on this strength and used it to my advantage within the project and based it on people. I just made all of the drawings silhouettes instead so the shape is all that can be identified. I also think the overall concept for the book could be seen as a strength but the concept may not be too clear to the viewer. The concept being that the zombies and ghouls in the narrative are intact just ordinary people who have become a slave to the system of modern society. I am trying to bring the things I think about the world and society into my own practice which I think could be seen as a strength in itself.

Each area of my project could have been improved in ways. I could have explored more areas of leeds and taken more photos for inspiration. I could have done more experimental tests with media and use of colour. I only had one sketchbook filled when I could have done more. Im not saying I didn't do enough for this project but I know that I can Always do more. But each brief is helping me think is this way which its making me 
become much more dedicated to my own practice and is bringing me to focus on how I can improve in all areas of illustration. So for future reference, I will be willing to put as much effort into each project as I can.

For this project, a lot of decision making has been made when I have been using my sketchbook to develop and wrestle with certain ideas. A lot of my decision making has been quite spontaneous in the way I saw the 'Unorthodox' music video and was immediately inspired to tackle my work in a whole new way. So I think some of my decisions made during this project has definitely elevated my work and the way I will now approach future tasks.

 I honestly do think I could have managed my time slightly better with some aspects of this project. I should have been more consistent with blogging throughout and I should have found the time to experiment more with certain medias such as digital software like photoshop and illustrator. But personally I think that the christmas break put my project at a stand still for a while and it was hard to get back into the momentum of work. The three week break was a long time and if that time was spent at college, I would have had the motivation to produce a lot more work for the book. I am still pretty pleased with my final outcome and I feel like this project has developed my skills more than any so far, so thats a bonus in itself. I now look forward to future briefs with a more open mind.

7.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 
(please indicate using an ‘x’)  

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

1 2 3 4 5








Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

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